Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Safety Trimming

Safety Trimming

Safety Measures On Trimming a Tree close To Power lines

Well maintained trees can immensely improve air
quality, beautify the environment and even increase the aesthetic value
of a home. However, when trees grow too close to power lines they can
cause power outages, safety hazards and even create fire. It is
therefore important to keep the tree foliage and branches from coming
into contact with power lines or any electricity infrastructure around.
Pruning is the most common method of prevent tree foliage from coming
into contact with power lines. However, when pruning there are certain safety measures that should be taken as can be viewed below:

Secure the area

If a tree has fallen or is in contact with power lines, secure the
area to prevent accidents from happening. Try and prevent your family
members or other people from coming too close to the tree. This is power
lines are in most cases naked and when they come into contact with
green trees the trees become conductors of the electricity and can
electrocute anything that touches the tree.  Therefore securing the area
is very important.

Call the electricity supply company

Green trees conduct electricity. This means that if you come into
contact with a tree with power lines passing through it you might get
electrocuted. Therefore, if you see that a tree or part of a tree is in
contact with power lines, it is important to call the electricity supply
company. The company will assign professionals to come and rectify the
problem by cutting the branches of the tree or even the tree itself.

Get a professional to prune the tree

If you have trees that grow close to power lines avoid pruning them
by yourself. This is because doing it yourself can be dangerous to you
as you can be electrocuted in the process. Therefore, it is always a
good idea to seek the services of professional who will take all the
necessary precautions while pruning the trees.

Avoid pruning in high winds

If the tree you want to prune is not so close to the power lines, you
can prune it yourself. However, when pruning ensure that you wear
protective gear for the head to the hands, to your feet. Ensure that the
protective gear you wear is not a good conductor of electricity. When
pruning trees that are in close proximity to power lines avoid pruning
in high winds. This is because high winds can blow branches towards the
power lines and this can be dangerous. It is because of such unforeseen
problems that you are advised to seek professional help when it comes to
pruning trees that are close to power lines.

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