Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Best Trees For Privacy??

Best evergreen trees for privacy

Best. If you are looking for some privacy from your neighbors or need to block some eyesore such as traffic or other developments on the background, consider planting tall evergreen trees in the direction of the problem.
When looking for the trees, consider the climate around your area, the soil in the region and the type of tree adaptability to the climate and the soil. Only go for evergreen trees as the deciduous ones will leave you exposed during the fall season when they drop their leaves.
Here are some of the best evergreen privacy trees

The American Holly 


This plant is very common for creating dense hedges across America and beyond. The branches intertwine blocking off the view from the outside.
The American Holly trees are disease and pest resistant, require minimal watering and can grow up to 6 feet when mature.

Spartan Juniper 


The Spartan Juniper is one of the toughest and tallest evergreen plants that you can find in your landscape. The plants grow very fast, require very little maintenance and watering and grow up to 20 feet when mature
The tree has a characteristic columnar cone shape with very dense branches. It has good tolerance to extreme heat, drought and cold. The tree can also act as a wind breaker in areas that experience high winds.

Thuja Green Giant  


This lush evergreen plant is one of the fastest growing privacy trees in the market. It has richly green dense branches and grows up to five foot every year. You can prune the trees to your desired height; however, if you choose not to prune, they can grow up to a height of 40 feet.
Thuja giants are disease and pest resistant and can withstand extreme temperatures and drought. Moreover, they adapt well to different types of soil and other conditions. These trees are great wind breakers and give you a good shade for your backyard.

Willow Hybrid 


The Willow Hybrid, also called Austree is great for creating a green wall round your property. In fact, you plant it five feet apart and still achieve a thick green wall. In good conditions, the plat grows for more than six feet a year. It also tolerates the climate extremes and different soil types.
The tree is great for covering off the view of a mine, traffic and keeps you off the eyes of neighbors in the story buildings. The plant is also grown for its beauty in the compound. For More Info visit us

Monday, August 22, 2016

Pruning Bonsai Tree

Pruning the bonsai tree effectively 


Bonsai trees are decorative trees that you can have at the entrance
of your home and the yard. However, the tree needs to be pruned
regularly so that it maintains its shape and the style that you desire.
There are two types of pruning. One is the style pruning that enhances
the aesthetics of the plant and the other is maintenance pruning, which
maintains the shape of the tree. Maintenance pruning also ensures that
the tree does not overgrow.

The growth of the tree is concentrated near the tips of the tree so
that it grows higher and helps the tree compete effectively for sunlight
especially in the forest setting. This is called the apical dominance.
This often leads to disappropraite growth on the lower branches. Regular
pruning takes care of this problem

 Best time for pruning

It is good to avoid pruning your Bonsai during the hot afternoon sun
and rather do it in the mornings and the evenings. This is because the
tree loses lots of water in the process and the sun scorches the cut
edges giving them a burnt appearance. The tree may also look wilted.

The growth season for the Bonsai trees is usually between March and
September. This is the best time to prune your Bonsai trees. However,
the Ficus Bonsai variety has a different timing than Juniper Bonsai.

Consider the canopy size

The canopy size is the size of the outgrowth shoots and branches. You
can use a normal cutter or the twig shears. In small plants, you can
remove leaves by pinching them out of the tree at the bud.Ensure that
the top areas are pruned to force even growth. Pruning also assists in
the development of dense foliage below the tip.

How to prune right

Remove one branch if your find two branches at the same height of the
tree. Moreover, every vertical growing branch that is too thick to be
bend should also be removed. The same should be done on  branches that
conceal the front parts of the trunk as well as branches that come with
unnatural turns and twists.

To prevent creating ugly scars on pruning thick branches, consider
using a concave cutter. Its indentation it makes reduces the effect of
the branch removal significantly on the tree. You can also use wound
paste to conceal wounds created on the trunk by removal of the large branches. It also protects the wounds against several tree infections.

Emergency Tree removal information For Safe

Emergency tree removal

Trees that are around home may be a safety hazard especially during a
storm. Fallen trees may damage the roof, destroy vehicles,and cause
injuries to the members of the family.

Trees may fall due to disease, weather or just due the ages of the
tree. Heavy branches may also fall off the tree. The removal of the
fallen trees should be done fast so that you can restore the integrity
of your home as soon as possible. You can do it yourself if you have the
necessary tools. However, if the tree is likely to cause injury to many
more members of the family or damage more property, call a professional
tree remover.

Here are steps for the removal of fallen trees

Check if anyone is injured

Check Emergency Tree service

Ensure that no one is in danger of being injured by the tree. If
there are people who are injured in the process, ensure that they
receive prompt medical attention.

 Inspect the area where the tree has fallen

Inspect the area where the tree has fallen. Ensure that the tree has
not cut any utility lines such as the telephone and electricity lines.
If any of the lines has been cut, do not attempt to remove the tree.
There is a risk of electrocution. You may also not tell the difference
between telephone and electricity lines. Call the emergency department
for help.

Contact your insurance company

Once you have ensured that everyone is safe, contact your insurance
company. You may be required to take some photos of the scene and wait
for the insurance company before starting the removal process.

Call professional tree removal service

Call the professional emergency tree removal company. They have the
tools and the expertise to remove trees in a variety of settings while
causing minimal additional damage. Unless you are removing some fallen
branch on the roof, do not attempt to remove trees on your own, you
might injure yourself if you do not have the equipment.

The emergency tree removal
company will handle all the tree removals and clear leaves, branches
and the stump. If the roof of the house is damaged, call as roofer to
repair the roof.

Call the professionals for the removal f even the small plants in
your yard. Consider the removal of the trees even before they have
fallen if they are very near to the house. Even if they do not fall
down, the roots may crack your home’s foundation and sewer lines.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Emergency tree removal during a hurricane storm

Emergency tree .The hurricane is a devastating storm. In the past, it have broken trees, blown out rooftops, and caused damage to power and telephone lines as well as leading to injury of so many people.
If you live in a hurricane prone area, it is important to know what to do if the hurricane strikes. This is especially important if there are trees in your compound.

 Steps for dealing with fallen trees


If trees have fallen in your compound after a hurricane, it is vital to have them removed as fast as possible. If they have fallen on the roof, you need to have a roofer repair it as soon as possible.
However, there a few steps that you need to take to ensure safe removal of the tree.

Your safety matters most

You or the family members may be injured by falling debris and tree branches that may still be unstable. Move them out of the danger before doing something else. Call for medical assistance if any of them have been injured.  No one should stand under the fallen tree.

Check the utility lines

Trees may fall on both telephone and power line. This increases the risk of electrocution. Inspect the area around the fallen tree to ensure that the incoming utility lines are intact. If any of the lines is broken, do not attempt to handle the problem. Call the emergency department as well as the utility company.

Inform your landlord and insurance company

Take pictures of the damage and send them to your property insurance company. Follow the instructions given to avoid losing your indemnity. If it is a rented apartment, ensure that the property owner is aware of the situation immediately.

Call for professional assistance

If the tree that you are removing is more than a few pounds, consider professional emergency tree removal services. The professionals have the knowledge and the equipment to remove trees safely. It is good to a few contacts to professional tree removal services
Ensure that the tree removal professionals have cleared your home of twigs and branches. If the roof is damaged, call a roofer to handle the repairs. If other systems such as the central heating and electrical systems have been damaged, have the right professionals to restore them.
Prevent damage to the house by fallen trees by trimming branches that hang on the roof. If the tree looks dangerous, it is  better to have it removed before the onset of the hurricane season.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Tree watering

Tree watering tips

Tree watering is one of the most important tree care programs that you should undertake. The exact amounts that each tree should get depend on the individual varieties of the trees and the climate that prevails at the time. Here are some workable tips on watering your trees.Water Trees

Tree Watering Newly planted trees

Newly planted trees should be watered immediately after planning. This is because the trees roots are weak and unable to get water by themselves. Continue watering the plant daily until it has established itself. Keep lowering the amount of water that you give to the tree after it has established its roots.

The first two years of growth

The first few season of growth for your plant are critical to its establishment and vigor. During this period, the tree actively develops the roots into the soil for stability, water, and nutrients. The tree has problem withstanding drought and heat bouts of seasons such as summer.
You can assist the young plant by mulching and giving it enough water. Mulching helps maintain the soil moisture and blocks the direct sun heat on the root5s of the plant.
 Deep watering
Tree watering plant
Tree plant watering
Deep watering involves providing water for your plants from deep inside the soil. The practice keeps the water concentrations below the surface of the ground. The saturation reduces the shock that the plant experiences from drought and transplanting, and allows the roots to grow deep into the soil.

When and how much

Most people are only concerned with not having enough water. However, over watering the plant is as bad as giving it less adequate amount of water. Moist soil is difficult from soggy soil. You can determine if the soil is soggy or dump by feeling it with your hand. Damp soil dries up in a while soggy water has porridge-like consistency.
The rule of the thumb is to have at least 30 seconds of steady water stream per tree seedling. Do not use a very powerful jet as it may damage the tree as much as it waters it.
You can use the garden trowel to check soil moisture by inserting it into the ground at the depth of two inches and moving the blade a bit. If after feeling the soil, it is moist to touch, it does not need more water.
Do not water the trees during the afternoon sun. The sun will evaporate the soil and makes the soil cake around the plant. This makes it hard for the roots to penetrate the soil and is a waste of your water resource.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Stump Removal

 Stump Removal Emergency Cost

Have you in recent times had a tree removed from your home or yard but not the stump? Maybe the tree fell during bad weather and after the tree was removed the stump is the only remaining thing. In most cases, tree removal does not include the stamp removal. Stump removal involves a completely different set of tools and equipment and in most cases tree removal service providers sub-contract another service provider to do the job. It is important to seek the services of a professional when it comes to emergency stump removal.
Emergency stump removal cost is never included in the tree limb removal costs. In case you want the stump to be removed as well, you will be required to pay extra for the service. However, in most cases, it costs between $60 and $300 to remove a single stump. This depends on the tree, the service provider, the state you reside in and so many other factors.
Stump removal is essential because of the following reasons:
They can create new growth
Since the roots of the original tree are still intact and in the ground, they can stimulate new growth. If not removed in due course, you might start seeing new sprouts coming of the trunk. If completely ignored, these sprouts can become a tree and still pose the same problem that existed before. Therefore emergency stump removal is necessary. 

Roots can cause injuries 

Since the tree stump still bears roots, these roots can become a problem. The roots can block sewer lines, destroy pipes in their path, can crack paved walkways and even trip people when they walk by. Therefore, removal of tree tramps will prevent all these and other problems from happening.
Can become home to pests and rodents
When a tree stump rots or decays, it can attract pests and rodents. It is essential to point out that certain insects and rodents like eating decaying wood and in the process make the stump their home. If this goes unnoticed, the pests and rodents will start heading towards your home and causing problems to you and your family which includes diseases. Therefore, you should remove stumps from your home as soon as possible.

They take up space and are just ugly 


Tree stumps are eye sores. They make your yard or home ugly as they affect the landscape. On top of that, they take up space. In most cases you will not start a project in an area where there is a tree stump. They also cause problems when mowing your lawn as they are hard to maneuver around with a mowing machine.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Stupid Mistakes Trimming Or Pruning whit Bad Practices?

Stupid mistakes people make when
trimming trees

trimming and pruning are some of the toughest tasks that you perform when
maintaining your yard or the garden. Many people make mistakes when pruning
trees that make them look horrible or kill then altogether. However, if it is
done right, pruning ensures that the tree looks great, grows uniformly, and is
not affected by pests and diseases. 
Here are the common mistakes

topping involves the removal of the top of the tree as well as cutting back on
the main branches. Most of the owners top the trees just because they feel that
the tree has grown too big. Topping makes the trees stressed, decay at the edge
and are damaged by diseases and insects. The tree may also die.  
 Trimming at the wrong time 
 Trimming requires precise timing and the knowledge
of when it is best for the tree. Some trees such as the Texas Oak should not be
pruned around February to June to prevent infection with the wilting disease.
West facing branches should never be trimmed during summer as they are likely
to lead to sunscald damage. Seek information about the tree you grow before
pruning it.
Trimming at wrong spots
people think that cutting branches flush to the branches is the right thing to
do. However, removing  the entire limb,
the wound left behind does not heal. This becomes the point where pests and
diseases get into the tree. Each of the trees has an elevated bump where the
branch interacts with the trunk called the collar. The collar has special cells
that help the tree heal fast. Without the cells, the wound left behind would
eventually kill the tree. 
Over pruning
 Over pruning involves the removal of too much
of the tree branches at a given time. The trimming experts advise that you
should only remove less than 20% of the tree. Trimming too much hinders the
tree’s ability to make and transport food thereby leading to stunted growth.
This pruning also opens up too much of the tree to sun leading to sunscald.
Sunscald can lead to the spread of disease.
This is
the practice of cutting the branch at other areas rather than the node and the
union. Lopping leads to increased growth of  Watersprouts are tiny
branches that stick out like hair. The are very frangile than other branches
and require more regular pruning. Watersprouts also makes the tree more
susceptible to rotting thereby shortening the lifespan of your tree.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Safety Trimming

Safety Trimming

Safety Measures On Trimming a Tree close To Power lines

Well maintained trees can immensely improve air
quality, beautify the environment and even increase the aesthetic value
of a home. However, when trees grow too close to power lines they can
cause power outages, safety hazards and even create fire. It is
therefore important to keep the tree foliage and branches from coming
into contact with power lines or any electricity infrastructure around.
Pruning is the most common method of prevent tree foliage from coming
into contact with power lines. However, when pruning there are certain safety measures that should be taken as can be viewed below:

Secure the area

If a tree has fallen or is in contact with power lines, secure the
area to prevent accidents from happening. Try and prevent your family
members or other people from coming too close to the tree. This is power
lines are in most cases naked and when they come into contact with
green trees the trees become conductors of the electricity and can
electrocute anything that touches the tree.  Therefore securing the area
is very important.

Call the electricity supply company

Green trees conduct electricity. This means that if you come into
contact with a tree with power lines passing through it you might get
electrocuted. Therefore, if you see that a tree or part of a tree is in
contact with power lines, it is important to call the electricity supply
company. The company will assign professionals to come and rectify the
problem by cutting the branches of the tree or even the tree itself.

Get a professional to prune the tree

If you have trees that grow close to power lines avoid pruning them
by yourself. This is because doing it yourself can be dangerous to you
as you can be electrocuted in the process. Therefore, it is always a
good idea to seek the services of professional who will take all the
necessary precautions while pruning the trees.

Avoid pruning in high winds

If the tree you want to prune is not so close to the power lines, you
can prune it yourself. However, when pruning ensure that you wear
protective gear for the head to the hands, to your feet. Ensure that the
protective gear you wear is not a good conductor of electricity. When
pruning trees that are in close proximity to power lines avoid pruning
in high winds. This is because high winds can blow branches towards the
power lines and this can be dangerous. It is because of such unforeseen
problems that you are advised to seek professional help when it comes to
pruning trees that are close to power lines.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Common Mistakes On tree removal

Mistakes in Do-It-Yourself Tree Removal

how-to guides gaining more and more traction in today’s world, Do-it-yourself
projects have become commonplace. From pruning to tree removal and everything
in between, DIY has pitched a tent in tree care. And for good reason. It
promises to be fun, convenient, and, foremost, cost-effective. Some DIY
enthusiasts love the great outdoors while others like to do a little manual
tree removal can be a fulfilling task if done rightly. Sadly, DIY Tree removal
is a dangerous venture especially if it calls for power tools like the
chainsaw. Let’s put things in perspective: over 30000 people are injured by
chainsaws each year, with nearly a third being fatal. And that isn’t all: there
are several other mistakes and pitfalls of DIY tree removal. Here, I will walk
you through common mistakes do-it-yourself are poised to make in tree removal.
Read on and you will thank us later.
Using Chainsaws without Proper Skills
sad truth is, there is more to the chainsaws than meets the eye. Sure, they can
arouse your adrenaline when they rev up and hack into tree trunks. But
chainsaws are very powerful and treacherous. For one, a chainsaw can lunge back
at you in a phenomenon called “kickback.” Kickback is sudden and is fatal in
some instances.
Height Issues
removal can involve dizzying heights. DIY tree removal isn’t ideal for such
situation. Some people make a mistake of climbing great heights to remove tree
branches. This way, you are courting dangerous falls.
Improper Tree Cutting
causes more damage to property and injuries than cutting trees without
“hinging.” What is “hinging” tree? Before you hack into a tree, you need to
know where to direct it. Of course, it should be away from buildings, other trees,
vehicles, and so forth. “Hinging” entails the act of giving a tree a falling
direction by creating a wedge-shaped cut using a chainsaw.
tend to be profound if you are an amateur. If you don’t create a sufficient
falling “hinge,” the tree is bound to fall in any direction. The directional
notch should not exceed 20% of the tree’s diameter.
Removing Trees that are Too Close
DIY pitfall can cause branches of another tree to snap. Also, you are going to
disrupt root system of the remaining trees. By exposing them, you are making
the tree susceptible to diseases and decay.
Powerline Problems
can fall or lean against power cables because of heavy winds and powerful
storms. Newsflash: you shouldn’t remove that tree without professional help.
Many DIY mistakes arise from power line problems.
power lines conduct up to 25000W, which can generate incredible high shock and
heat to live trees. Removing trees yourself is a grave mistake.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Tips for land clearing

Tips for land clearing   

Tips for land clearing

Tips for Quick and Effective Land Clearing

Clearing land is often the first step you will take in making any land useful. It is a necessary and at times costly expensive exercise. With the right equipment and skills it is easy to get clearing done in a quick and efficient manner.
The basics
Are you clearing to build residential property, or a theme park or simply for pasture?The need for the land will guide the clearing.If you are clearing to build a house you would need more intensive clearing than that needed when clearing for a theme park.
Identify the kind of vegetation you have on the land before contacting the clearing company
Brush – this is vegetation including vines, weeds, and small plants below 12 inches or 20 cm
Light wood – this is vegetation that includes brush and trees that are up to 10 inches in diameter
Forest – this is vegetation that includes trees that can be harvested for timber
Equipment needed
The kind of vegetation you have will guide on the equipment you need.
Brush – this can be cleared using a bush hog or a heavy duty lawnmower
Light wood – a bush hog can also be used when not very dense and a tree shear for dense vegetation
Forest – Heavy equipment like a bulldozer or a track loader
Some people have suggested sheep or goats for clearing. This is a cheap but lengthy option. Goats are good in reaching into thick underbrush and making inroads where one can go in with equipment. However, as clearing agents, they are only good in keeping cleared land clear.
If you have trees on the land that can be harvested, try getting some timber from them for sale to offset some clearing costs. Trees that can have 8 feet logs of timber are readily marketable. For clearing purposes ask the lumberjacks to pull out the whole tree from the ground without leaving stumps. Otherwise they will leave stumps that are troublesome to clear even with heavy machinery.
Preserving the topsoil
Keeping the topsoil in condition that can encourage further vegetation growth is crucial if you want the land for pasture or recreational space like a park. For better preservation it is better to avoid the heavier machinery like bulldozers.  Keep use of herbicide to the minimum to encourage growth in the future especially if you plan to plant grass.
You can use the goat option in this case after initial clearing. The goats will do a good job of eating the short tufts of vegetation to ground level.Picture of land Clearing    Tree Removal Free Estimate Company
- See more at:

Tips for land clearing

Tips for Quick and Effective Land Clearing

Clearing land is often the first step you will take in making any land useful. It is a necessary and at times costly expensive exercise. With the right equipment and skills it is easy to get clearing done in a quick and efficient manner.
The basics
Are you clearing to build residential property, or a theme park or simply for pasture?The need for the land will guide the clearing.If you are clearing to build a house you would need more intensive clearing than that needed when clearing for a theme park.
Identify the kind of vegetation you have on the land before contacting the clearing company
Brush – this is vegetation including vines, weeds, and small plants below 12 inches or 20 cm
Light wood – this is vegetation that includes brush and trees that are up to 10 inches in diameter
Forest – this is vegetation that includes trees that can be harvested for timber
Equipment needed
The kind of vegetation you have will guide on the equipment you need.
Brush – this can be cleared using a bush hog or a heavy duty lawnmower
Light wood – a bush hog can also be used when not very dense and a tree shear for dense vegetation
Forest – Heavy equipment like a bulldozer or a track loader
Some people have suggested sheep or goats for clearing. This is a cheap but lengthy option. Goats are good in reaching into thick underbrush and making inroads where one can go in with equipment. However, as clearing agents, they are only good in keeping cleared land clear.
If you have trees on the land that can be harvested, try getting some timber from them for sale to offset some clearing costs. Trees that can have 8 feet logs of timber are readily marketable. For clearing purposes ask the lumberjacks to pull out the whole tree from the ground without leaving stumps. Otherwise they will leave stumps that are troublesome to clear even with heavy machinery.
Preserving the topsoil
Keeping the topsoil in condition that can encourage further vegetation growth is crucial if you want the land for pasture or recreational space like a park. For better preservation it is better to avoid the heavier machinery like bulldozers.  Keep use of herbicide to the minimum to encourage growth in the future especially if you plan to plant grass.
You can use the goat option in this case after initial clearing. The goats will do a good job of eating the short tufts of vegetation to ground level.Picture of land Clearing    Tree Removal Free Estimate Company
- See more at:

Tips for land clearing

Tips for Quick and Effective Land Clearing

Clearing land is often the first step you will take in making any land useful. It is a necessary and at times costly expensive exercise. With the right equipment and skills it is easy to get clearing done in a quick and efficient manner.
The basics
Are you clearing to build residential property, or a theme park or simply for pasture?The need for the land will guide the clearing.If you are clearing to build a house you would need more intensive clearing than that needed when clearing for a theme park.
Identify the kind of vegetation you have on the land before contacting the clearing company
Brush – this is vegetation including vines, weeds, and small plants below 12 inches or 20 cm
Light wood – this is vegetation that includes brush and trees that are up to 10 inches in diameter
Forest – this is vegetation that includes trees that can be harvested for timber
Equipment needed
The kind of vegetation you have will guide on the equipment you need.
Brush – this can be cleared using a bush hog or a heavy duty lawnmower
Light wood – a bush hog can also be used when not very dense and a tree shear for dense vegetation
Forest – Heavy equipment like a bulldozer or a track loader
Some people have suggested sheep or goats for clearing. This is a cheap but lengthy option. Goats are good in reaching into thick underbrush and making inroads where one can go in with equipment. However, as clearing agents, they are only good in keeping cleared land clear.
If you have trees on the land that can be harvested, try getting some timber from them for sale to offset some clearing costs. Trees that can have 8 feet logs of timber are readily marketable. For clearing purposes ask the lumberjacks to pull out the whole tree from the ground without leaving stumps. Otherwise they will leave stumps that are troublesome to clear even with heavy machinery.
Preserving the topsoil
Keeping the topsoil in condition that can encourage further vegetation growth is crucial if you want the land for pasture or recreational space like a park. For better preservation it is better to avoid the heavier machinery like bulldozers.  Keep use of herbicide to the minimum to encourage growth in the future especially if you plan to plant grass.
You can use the goat option in this case after initial clearing. The goats will do a good job of eating the short tufts of vegetation to ground level.Picture of land Clearing    Tree Removal Free Estimate Company
- See more at:

Friday, February 5, 2016

Emergency tree removal winter time long island suffolk Nassau County New York

Emergency tree removal winter time New York long island Suffolk,Nassau NY  


Winter Time is here in New York Long island areas is time to trim or removal tree are damage By storm before came to a emergency tree removal problem main thing every week keep property Safety First
Emergency tree removal Nassau County NY
Emergency tree removal services New York and long island 

Emergency tree removal Service in Suffolk County NY

Bad News New York crane accident 1 Dead, 3 Hurt in Lower Manhattan Crane OH NOT

OH NOT NOT. VERY BAD NEWS IN  NEW YORK  CRANE COLLACPSE 1 Dead , 3 Hurt in Lower Manhattan  

At least one man was killed and at least three other people were hurt when a crawler crane being secured because of high winds toppled over in lower Manhattan Friday morning, Mayor de Blasio said.
The construction equipment was being lowered and secured because of winds topping 20 mph when it toppled over at Worth and Church streets in Tribeca at about 8:30 a.m., de Blasio said. The crane,  owned by Bay Crane and stretching more than 15-stories high, smashed into several buildings on the way down before crashing onto several parked
According to Storm Team 4, a ground-level gust of about 37 mph was reported about a mile away from the crash site nine minutes before the collapse. 
The collapse killed one man who was sitting in his car, de Blasio said, and injured three others. Two are in serious condition, while the third person had minor injuries. The people who were hurt were hit by falling debris, and the mayor said all of them were bystanders.
More than 100 firefighters responded to the scene  along with dozens of EMS workers and police.
Photos: Crane Collapses in New York City Photos: Crane Collapses in New York City
Police have set up barricades around the scene. No. 1, 2 and 3 subway trains are bypassing stops at Chambers Street and Franklin street stops.
The crane crashed down so hard that it disrupted underground infrastructure, Con Edison spokesman Alfonso Quiroz said. The utility told NBC 4 New York that they got a gas reading at an address on Worth Street and has shut down gas mains in the area.  Several buildings have been evacuated and authorities are looking to secure four nearby buildings. 
De Blasio said that it will take several days to clean up the area.
"It will certainly take several days, certainly no earlier than Monday, possibly longer, before we can get things back to normal in these immediate blocks," he said.
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The crane was being used at a building across the street from the NYPD Sergeant's Benevolent Association. Members of the union were among the first to respond after the collapse, according to Vice President Bob Ganley. 
"It was a scene," Ganley said. "It was surreal. It was like a war zone when it first happened."
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Ganley said he looked out the window and saw the crane crashing down, and others in the building reported that the impact felt like an earthquake. Several officers in the building ran outside and began helping people who were hurt, assisting a person trapped in a car and covering the body of the man who died with a blanket.
The crane is owned by Bay Crane, but it was being operated by Galasso Trucking and Rigging. Bay Crane declined to comment on the collapse to NBC 4 New York, but de Blasio said that the company requires its operators to take down its cranes after gusts hit 20 mph. 
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Officials say the crane that collapsed on Friday was a crawler. Crawler cranes are mounted on an undercarriage with a set of caterpillar tracks to provide mobility.
Department of Buildings officials had cleared the site a day before the collapse, de Blasio said. 
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“Our department of buildings personnel had been on the site yesterday to approve the next steps in the work on that building," he said. "They had inspected the crane yesterday morning at 6:20 a.m. and reviewed the work that was being done and had approved it.”

 Bay crane owner from long island New  York
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Ganley told NBC 4 New York that he was talking with someone outside his building on Thursday afternoon and was uncomfortable with the height of the crane's boom, which stretched up several stories. 
"I told him, 'That doesn't look good, does it?'" he said.